The talk show host is happy that the girl on youtube is imitating him imitating his gestures he invites her on to his talk show this makes the girl happy they both grimace and gesture wink wink a gestural politics but the wrong kind affective gesture and language grimace don't worry its nothing serious 'what did you do on December the --th? it's blank in your diary' talk show host tears the pages out girl laughs studio audience laugh guests grimace and contort their losing gestures fully embodied in the screen
subtitles tell the story (soundtrack) slow and spasmodic a Tourettes (soundtrack) wink wink grimace contort couples in sofa adverts exhibit the same tics and grimaces empty diaries wink wink smiles liberated from any affective intent gestures that are nothing but an end such as a new kitchen unit or boyfriend girlfriend all the same in the end an echo chamber of images capturing gestures binding language replacing anonymity with transparency refusing any intimacy
(Being an imaginary collaboration between Agamben, Mark E. Smith and 23 Skidoo recorded in December 1981).
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